The cotton conection

タロウちゃん Taro-chan 2013

Machine Piecing
Machine Applique
Machine Quilting

お客さまの愛犬、タロウちゃん(ペキニーズ )のキルトです。すでに天国へ旅立たれてしまったということですが、絵画ではなく生地でつくりあげるキルトで、タロウちゃんの存在をいつも身近に感じてもらうため、とにかく質感にこだわりました。



そんな気持ちを知っているので、気に入ってもらえる作品を作ることが出来るかどうか不安でしたが、ただ写真とそっくりに、というとうそになってしまうので、いろいろと聞いたタロウちゃんのお話を思い出しながら作りました 。

こちらのキルトも前回ご紹介した「Pines Lakeの家」キルトと同様、ずいぶんと長い時間をかけてしまいました。



This quilt is the pet dog of the client, Taro-chan (Pekinese).
Already he has gone to heaven. By using a quilt made of fabrics instead of painting, she always felt Tarochan’s presence, and I made it with a focus on bringing the texture closer to the real thing.

When I made the work of Roku, I made it while remembering the feel of the fur.

Like the “Pines Lake House” quilt I introduced last time, this quilt took a long time. Even though I kept my client waiting, I was very pleased when I delivered it the other day. The words “I hung it on the wall, Taro-chan’s eyes looking at me no matter where I was in the l i v ing room, the ki t chen, or wherever,” was impressive.

Like anything handmade, making a quilt means facing a piece of work for an incredibly long time. It’s not much fun, and the painful time may be longer.

However, I think that I can do my best for such moments that will give people a deep emotion and excitement. How many works can I make in my lifetime? How many people will be impressed with it?
I will continue to do my best to create works that only I can do.

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